One Call For Help

When it comes to IT, there are three things your employees require for best productivity:

Accurate information

No one can keep straight how to get out of a jam, and let’s face it, it’s pretty easy to get into a computer jam nearly every day. A huge productivity leak is an employee that doesn’t know what to do next or is afraid to ask. Whether their job is logging orders, keeping books, or crafting a PP presentation, your employees are going to need to know how to reset a password, restore a backup or burn a DVD. It’s nice to know that a ShareTech helpdesk technician is waiting by the phone to guide them.

Correctly functioning tools and equipment

A dull knife, faulty brakes and a messed up operating system are not only frustrating to use but dangerous. An improperly managed network is frustrating to your employees, causing downtime and risk of costly errors. Add to that the added cost of interruption to you or other employees for help to rectify problems, and it becomes clear that a dedicated and qualified helpdesk is not only a good idea, but a wise investment in your business success.

Immediate and accessible problem resolution

Your network problem resolution solution should have the following qualities:

  • It should be immediate. For every minute that your employees are unable to do their job, several more minutes will be lost because of the delay in returning to normal function. You not only lose productivity, but frustration will also infect other employees.
  • It should be accessible. Your employees should know how and where to get help, and they should not be hesitant to get it. A delay in problem resolution contributes to lost productivity and a costly profit leak.
  • It should be a dedicated problem resolution solution – a helpdesk. Interruption of other employees for resolution of network problems is a costly method since the solutions rarely go to the root leaving the problem likely to recur. Add to that the cost in time for the assisting employee to return to their own task and you have a gushing profit leak.

If your employees don’t have access to immediate and proactive help, your network simply isn’t managed. Maybe you’ll think about partnering with ShareTech?